USGWA Can American Championships - 03/30/2003

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107 pounds  1st - Mary Kelly (Neosho County) dec. Julie Gonzalez (SF State), 9-4  3rd - Gina Heinzelmann (Century) dec. Liz Short (UM Morris), 4-3  5th - Rachel Bernardes (Missouri Valley) won by inj. dft. over Monica Harris (Missouri Valley)  7th - Andrea Giacomozzi (Bridgewater State)    Preliminaries  Kristin Fujioka (Pacific) won by tech. fall over Jessica Dougherty (Missouri Valley), 12-1    Quarterfinals  Kelly pin Fujioka, 1:14  Heinzelmann won by tech. fall over Harris, 11-1  Gonzalez pin Bernardes, 1:32  Short won by tech. fall over Giacomozzi, 13-2    Semifinals  Kelly dec. Heinzelmann, 8-5  Gonzalez pin Short, 1:32    Consolation first round  Giacomozzi dec. Dougherty, 12-0    Consolation second round  Bernardes won by tech. fall over Giacomozzi, 14-4  Harris won by inj. dft.over Fujioka    Consolation semifinals  Heinzelmann dec. Bernardes, 13-9  Short won by tech. fall over Harris, 10-0    114 pounds  1st - Danielle Hobeika (Dave Schultz WC) pin Patrice Crenshaw (UM-Morris), 2:45  3rd - Jill Remiticado (Pacific) pin Marianne Vollmer (Missouri Valley), 5:25  5th - Tabithia Ramsey (UM-Morris) dec. Tanya Miyasaki (Menlo), 7-4  7th - Cathy Migita (U of Hawaii) dec. Everdith Landreau (Am), 9-5    Preliminaries  Landreau pin Danielle Bowen (Missouri Valley), 5:51    Quarterfinals  Hobeika pin Landreau, 2:28  Remiticado dec. Ramsey, 10-6  Vollmer pin Miyasaki, 5:24  Crenshaw dec. Migita, 6-0    Semifinals  Hobeika dec. Remiticado, 7-4  Crenshaw dec. Vollmer, 6-1    Consolation first round  Migita won by tech. fall over Bowen, 10-0    Consolation second round  Miyasaki dec. Migita, 8-1  Ramsey pin Landreau, 4:48    Consolation semifinals  Remiticado dec. Miyasaki, 12-7  Vollmer pin Ramsey, 4:48    121 pounds  1st - Teresa Piotrowski (Guelph) won by tech. fall over Erin Soli (Missouri Valley), 12-2  3rd - Desiree Lockhart (Pacific) dec. Melina Hutchison (Menlo), 7-1  5th - Courtney Laford (Brock) pin Ophelia Pickard (Missouri Valley), 1:31  7th - Audrey Pang (Princeton) won by tech. fall over Colleen McKenney (Cumberland), 14-3    Preliminaries  Piotrowski won by tech. fall over Pickard, 10-0  Pang won by tech. fall over McKenney, 11-1  Laford dec. Rebecca Cisneros (Missouri Valley), 3-0  Soli pin Sarah Hayes (Cumberland), 4:09    Quarterfinals  Piotrowski dec. Hutchison, 3-1  Lockhart dec. Pang, 6-2  Laford dec. Angela Hesener-Quinn (unattached), 7-5  Soli pin Yvette Madrid (Neosho County), 2:41    Semifinals  Piotrowski dec. Lockhart, 8-1  Soli pin Laford, 0:57    Consolation first round  Pickard pin Madrid, 3:45  McKenney dec. Hesener-Quinn, 11-2  Pang pin Cisneros, 4:01  Hutchison won by tech. fall over Hayes, 10-0    Consolation second round  Pickard dec. McKenney, 12-4  Hutchison dec. Pang, 4-3, ot    Consolation semifinals  Lockhart won by tech. fall over Pickard, 11-0  Hutchison won by tech. fall over Laford, 11-0    128 pounds  1st - Heather Sweezey (Brock) won by tech. fall over Jessi Shirley (Cumberland), 11-1  3rd - Lindsey Owens (Menlo) dec. Michelle Domagas (Napa), 6-1  5th - Katie Ross (UM-Morris) dec. Christie Rafanan (Missouri Valley), 7-2  7th - Teresa Dalben (Menlo) dec. Amanda Lee (unattached), 11-3    Preliminaries  Shirley won by tech. fall over Dalben, 12-1  Ross dec. Amanda Noteware (Princeton), 13-7    Quarterfinals  Shirley pin Rafanan, 1:37  Domagas won by tech. fall over Lee, 10-0  Owens dec. Ross, 9-6  Sweezey pin Keli Hinton (UM-Morris), 1:55    Semifinals  Shirley pin Domagas, 3:30  Sweezey dec. Owens, 11-2    Consolation first round  Dalben dec. Hinton, 12-7  Lee pin Noteware, 1:28    Consolation second round  Ross pin Dalben, 5:07  Rafanan pin Lee, 5:23    Consolation semifinals  Domegas dec. Ross, 7-4  Owens dec. Rafanan, 5-1    133 pounds  1st - Alaina Berube (Cumberland)  2nd - Kiersten Hyatt (Missouri Valley)  3rd - Sharon Jacobsen (UM-Morris)  4th - Raquel Magdeleno (Menlo)  5th - Melissa Dieman (Pacific)    Roundrobin matches  Hyatt pin Jacobsen, 2:56  Berube won by tech. fall over Magdeleno, 12-0  Hyatt won by tech. fall over Dieman, 10-0  Jacobsen pin Magdeleno, 3:37  Magdeleno dec. Hyatt, 4-1  Berube pin Dieman, 0:50  Berube won by tech. fall over Jacobsen, 11-0  Magdeleno dec. Deiman, 9-8  Berube won by tech. fall over Hyatt, 13-2  Jacobsen dec. Dieman, 3-0    138 pounds  1st - Leigh Jaynes (Missouri Valley) pin Brooke Bogren (Cumberland), ot, 6:24  3rd - Jamie Alvesteffer (Cumberland) dec. Ranae Faaborg (UM-Morris), 9-5  5th - Linse Meadows (Neosho County) pin Jennifer Miyahara (Pacific), 1:30  7th - Becky Tavera (Menlo)    Quarterfinals  Jaynes won by tech. fall over Alvesteffer, 12-1  Meadows dec. Tavera, 6-3  Miyahara pin Faaborg, 4:31    Semifinals  Jaynes pin Meadows, 2:30  Bogren dec. Miyahara    Consolation first round  Alvesteffer dec. Tavera    Consolation semifinals  Alvesteffer dec. Miyahara  Faaborg pin Meadows, 1:02    145 pounds  1st - Emilee Murphree (Missouri Valley)  2nd - Issa Alvarez (Cumberland)  3rd - Salome Gipson (Pacific)    Roundrobin  Alvarez dec. Gipson, 11-9  Murphree pin Gipson, 1:42  Murphree won by tech. fall over Alvarez, 11-0    154 pounds  1st- Stephanie Lee (Hawaii)  2nd - Kelly Branham (Missouri Valley)  3rd - Mollie Keith (Missouri Valley)  4th - Shelly Ruberg (Cumberland)  5th - Sam Johnson (Ontario)  6th - Jessica Eberhart (Menlo)    Roundrobin  Lee won by tech. fall over Branham, 14-3  Johnson dec. Keith, 6-6, ot  Ruberg pin Eberhart, 1:09  Lee pin Johnson, 1:54  Branham won by tech. fall over Eberhart, 11-0  Keith dec. Ruberg, 7-6  Lee pin Eberhart, 1:21  Branham won by inj. dft. over Keith  Ruberg dec. Johnson, 6-0  Lee pin Ruberg, 1:44  Branham dec. Johnson, 9-0  Keith pin Eberhart, 1:42  Lee dec. Keith, 7-2  Branham pin Ruberg, 3:52  Johnson pin Eberhart, 0:50    165 pounds  1st - Samantha Lang (Tualatin HS)  2nd - Toccara Montgomery (Cumberland)  3rd - Donell Bradley (Missouri Valley)  4th - Megan Goldsmith (UM-Morris)    Roundrobin matches  Montgomery won by tech. fall over Goldsmith, 12-0  Lang won by tech. fall over Bradley, 10-0  Lang dec. Montgomery, 5-4, ot  Bradley pin Goldsmith, 3:31  Montgomery dec. Bradley, 7-0  Lang won by tech. fall over Goldsmith, 12-2    Over 165 pounds  1st - Alicia Mena (Neosho County)  2nd - Melyssa Fuqua (U of Maryland)  3rd - Jesse Clifton (Cumberland)  4th - Tabitha Dansby    Roundrobin  Mena pin Clifton, 1:37  Fuqua won by tech. fall over Dansby, 10-0  Clifton pin Dansby, 0:32  Mena won by tech. fall over Fuqua, 11-1  Fuqua dec. Clifton, 8-3  Mena pin Dansby, 0:56