Univ. of Guelph Invitational - 01/19/2002

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48 kg,14 wrestlers  1st , Lindsey Rushton,Brock  2nd,Tonya Mair,Guelph  3rd,Stephanie Toffan,Mariposa  4th,Julie Harris,Brock  5thAudrey Carasco,Mo Valley  6th,Vicki Sullivan,Guelph    51 kg,8 wrestlers  1st, Heather Sweezey,Brock  2nd,Teresa Pearson,Guelph  3rd,Belinda Chou,Cattown  4th,Andrea Pollack,Guelph  5th,Marianne Vollmar,mo valley  6th,Ophelia Pickard,Mo Valley    55kg,12 wrestlers  1st, Jen Ryz,Burnaby  2nd,Tonya Verbeek,Brock  3rd,Mellissa Sherwood,Mo Valley  4th,Jessi Shirley,Cumberland  5th,Randi Miller,Mariposa  6th Julie Csiki,Western    59kg,10 wrestlers  1st, Tonya Evinger,Mo Valley  2nd,Katie Patroch,Lakehead  3rd Mellissa Kindrtsky,Calgary  4th,Hellen Hennick,UNB  5th,Melody McCag,Lakehead  6th,Kierston Hyatt,Mo Valley    63 kg  1st, Sara McMann,Lock Haven  2nd,Tara Hedican,Guelph  3rd,Viola Yanik,Saskatoon  4th,Tori Adams,Mo Valley  5th,Heather Pollock,Lakehead  6th,Celiah Boyd,Lakehead    67kg,16 wrestlers  1st, Toccara Montgomery,Cumberland College  2nd,Evy Yoller,Lakehead  3rd,Megan Dolan,Brock  4th,Laura Jones,Brock  5th,Christine Calvers,Lakehead  6th,Mollie Keith,Mo Valley    72kg,11 wrestlers  1st, Ohenawa Okuffo,Guelph  2nd,Pam Wilson,Hamilton  3rd,Martine Dugrinier,Concordia  4th,Hilary Leith,Mo Valley  5th,Rachelle Pinet,CLAC  6th,Mary Kliendorst,Niagra