Cougar Invitational - 01/25/2003

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48 kg   1. Stacey Williamson, U of C  2. Audrey Carraso, U of M  3. Jen Hippisly, U of C  4. Brandy Ens, U of C   5. Rachel Bernardes, Missouri Valley   6. Danielle Bowen, Missouri Valley    53 kg  1. Belinda Chou, U of R  2. Marianne Vollmer, Missouri Valley  3. Lisa Morin, Cattown  4. Maria Yamniuk, SWC  5. Erin Yamashita, U of C  6. Ophelia Pickard, Missouri Valley    57 kg  1. Laura Ostrander, U of S  2. Leigh Jaynes, Missouri Valley  3. Erin Soli, Missouri Valley  4. Kieirstin Hyatt, Missouri Valley  5. Leslee Laverdure, Missouri Valley  6. Teresa Lynn, PAWC    61 kg  1. Theresa Vladicka, Bears  2. Megan Buydens, U of S  3. Breanne Graham, U of C  4. Amy Dick, SWC  5. Korle Menegbo, Cattown  6. Emilee Murphree, Missouri Valley    65 kg  1. Viola Yanik, U of S  2. Theresa Bakker, U of M  3. Mollie Keith, Missouri Valley  4. Tina Arnds, Missouri Valley  5. Kelly Branham, Missouri Valley  6. Heather Desroches, UCWC    70 kg  1. Donell Bradley, Missouri Valley  2. Erin Church, RNWWC  3. Beck Borshewa, U of S  4. Corissa Holinaty, U of R    77 kg  1. Hilary Leith, Missouri Valley  2. Kelsey Andries, U of C  3. Alicia Brown, U of R  4. Melanie Leitch, U of A    77 kg-and-over  1. Ali McCannell, U of R  2. Ellen Fritz, U of S.