Augsburg Open - 11/17/2001

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  125 pounds  1st Round: Desmond Radunz (Itasca CC) fall over Ralph Acosta, 3:29  Consolation: Acosta maj. dec. Eric Thompson (Wartburg), 11-1  Finals: Acosta maj. dec. Jack Hammond (Jamestown), 11-2  Ralph Acosta finished seventh with a 2-1 record    133 pounds  1st Round: John Marchette (Augsburg) maj. dec. Scott Michels, 18-9  Consolation: Michels dec. Dan Pickett (Moorhead), 6-2  Finals: Dustin Speltz (St. Cloud State) dec. Michels, 4-2  Scott Michels finished eighth with a 1-2 record    141 pounds  1st Round: Brian Vettner (St. John's) dec. Dan Cuadra, 9-4  Consolation: Ryan Hanson (UW-Stevens Point) dec. Cuadra, 8-6  Dan Cuadra finished 0-2    149 pounds  1st Round: Tony Quance (Augsburg) dec. Jon Carey, 5-2  Consolation: Justin Geitner (UW-Stevens Point) dec. Carey, 7-3  Jon Carey finished 0-2    157 pounds  1st Round: Andy McMuller (St. John's) fall over Andy Geerts, 1:25  Consolation: Geerts maj. dec. Josh Skogen (Southwest State), 9-0  Consolation: Geerts fall over Jared Pangier (St. John's), 4:45  Finals: Geerts dec. Brandon Brissette (Wartburg), 10-2  Andy Geerts finished seventh with a 3-1 record    165 pounds  Quarterfinals: Jorge Borgen dec. Brett Bartholomaus (Southwest State), 3-1  Semifinals: Borgen dec. Lucas Lucier (Jamestown), 5-1  Finals: Borgen dec. Tony Abbott (Augsburg), 3-2  Jorge Borgen finished first with a 3-0 record    174 pounds  1st Round: James Giboo dec. Ben Hummell (Northwestern College), 7-2  Quarterfinals: Brad Tupa (Augsburg) dec. Giboo, 9-5  Consolation: Giboo dec. Tom Andrews (Loras), 9-6  Finals: Giboo maj. dec. Troy Seubert (UW-Eau Claire), 10-2  James Giboo finished fifth with a 3-1 record    174 pounds  1st Round: Jeremy Johnson (Augsburg) maj. dec. Rico Carrion, 14-5  Consolation: Carrion dec. Chad Gunsoily (Loras), 6-3  Consolation: Tony Manske (UW-LaCrosse) dec. Carrion, 8-1  Rico Carrion finished 1-2    184 pounds  1st Round: Josh Barlage (Augsburg) dec. Brent Meyers, 8-2  Consolation: Meyers dec. Jesse Jennissen (St. John's), 6-2  Consolation: Meyers fall over Adam Barton (Southwest State), 1:59  Finals: Larry Lyden (Augsburg) dec. Meyers, 8-4  Brent Meyers finished eighth with a 2-2 record    197 pounds  1st Round: Matt Morris (UW-LaCrosse) forfeit over Cliff Thompson  Cliff Thompson finished 0-1    Heavyweight  1st Round: Brian Black dec. Jeremiah Knabe (Augsburg), 4-2  Quarterfinals: LeRoy Gardner III (Wartburg) dec. Black, 5-1  Consolation: Black dec. Doug Watts (Augsburg), 2-1  Finals: Scott Revier (Augsburg) dec. Black, 6-2  Brian Black finished sixth with a 2-2 record        125 pounds (Silver)  1st Round: Angelo Rodriguez dec. Luke Adams (UW-LaCrosse), 13-8  Quarterfinals: Rodriguez dec. Adam Manguno (Wartburg), 7-3  Semifinals: Rodriguez dec. Charlie Skinner (Jamestown), 10-8  Finals: Rodriguez fall over Roger Valdez (Dakota Wesleyan), 1:15  Angelo Rodriguez finished first with a 4-0 record    133 pounds (Silver)  1st Round: Christian Guadarrama dec. Mike Murphy (Loras), 7-6  Quarterfinals: Justin Lessard (Augsburg) dec. Guadarrama, 6-3  Consolation: Troy Musser (Loras) dec. Guadarrama, 10-3  Christian Guadarrama finished 1-2    141 pounds (Silver)  1st Round: Denny Grocott (Northern State) dec. Zac Geith, 7-4  Consolation: Garett Kozik (Loras) fall over Geith, 3:50  Zac Geith finished 0-2    141 pounds (Bronze)  Semifinals: Jamie T) dec. Destival, 3-1  Consolation: Destival fall over Kevin Coughlin (Loras), 3:00  Finals: Destival dec. Jerod Dion (UW-LaCrosse), 11-5  Aaron Destival finished fifth with a 3-1 record    149 pounds (Silver)  1st Round: Ryan Stround (Augsburg) fall over John Kite, 5:20  Consolation: Josh Krueger (Moorhead) dec. Kite, 11-7  John Kite finished 0-2    157 pounds (Silver)  1st Round: Tony Davis (Augsburg) fall over Brent McLacklan, 5:30  Consolation: McLacklan dec. Brent Hansen (Northwestern College), 6-5  Consolation: Zach Madsen (Central) dec. McLacklan, 7-3  Brent McLacklan finished 1-2    197 pounds (Silver)  Quarterfinals: Steve Farrell dec. Bryce Bly (UW-LaCrosse), 11-6  Semifinals: Brian Sorum (Jamestown) dec. Farrell, 5-2  Finals: Eric King (UW-LaCrosse) dec. Farrell, 6-1  Steve Farrell finished fourth with a 1-2 record    197 pounds (Silver)  Quarterfinals: Adam Janecek (Dakota Wesleyan) maj. dec. Tyler Thomas, 15-4  Consolation: Larry Ebel (Northwestern College) dec. Thomas, 3-2  Finals: Bryce Bly (UW-LaCrosse) dec. Thomas, 9-7  Tyler Thomas finished eighth with an 0-3 record