46 kg/101.25 pounds 1st - Julie Harris, Calgary, Canada (Univ. of Calgary) dec. Clarrisa Chun, Kapolei, Hawaii (MissouriValley), 9-4 3rd - Sandron Padron, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley) pinned Jenny Donahoe, Goodrich, Mich. (UM-Morris), 1:47 51 kg/112.25 pounds 1st - Erica Sharp, Calgary, Canada (Univ. of Calgary) tech. fall over Marianne Vollmer, Grayling, Mich. (Missouri Valley), 10-0 3rd - Amy Alvaro, Elmira, N.Y. (Missouri Valley) won by default over Angela Hesener, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Missouri Valley) 56 kg/123.25 pounds 1st - Leigh Jaynes, Wahiawa, Hawaii (Missouri Valley) dec. Aimee McNab, Malone, Wis. (Missouri Valley), 13-9 3rd - Grace Magnussen, Walnut Creek, Calif. (Missouri Valley tech. Sarah Devers, Morris. Minn. (UM-Morris), 10-0 5th - Katie Ross, Greensboro, N.C. (UM-Morris) pinned Crystal Metz, Little Falls, Minn. (UM-Morris), 1:04 62 kg/136.5 pounds 1st - Mollie Keith, Aurelia, Iowa (Missouri Valley) dec. Melissa Fogarty, Wayne, Mich. (MissouriValley), 8-3 68 kg/149.75 pounds 1st - Katie Downing, Pendleton, Ind. (UM-Morris) pinned Kaci Lyle, Eureka, Calif. (Missouri Valley), 4:02 3rd - Megan Williams, Perry, Mich. (Missouri Valley) dec. Amanda Kelling, Morris, Minn. (UM-Morris), 10-3 75 kg/165.25 poiunds 1st - Alison Patrick, Boise, Idaho (UM-Morris) pinned Alicia Mena, St. Paul, Minn. (Westside/Westend), 2:15 3rd - Donell Bradley, Aiea, Hawaii (Missouri Valley) dec. Samantha Branka, Lincoln Park, Mich. (UM-Morris), 9-7