48 kg/105.5 lbs. 1st - Clarissa Chun, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC) dec. Mary Kelly, Chanute, Kan. (Neosho County), 11-6 3rd - Gina Heinzelmann, Maplewood, Minn. (Minnesota Storm) dec. Liz Short, Morris, Minn. (UM-Morris), 9-3 5th - Duanujini Hordagoda, Bakersfield, Calif. (Dave Schultz WC) dec. Jessica Dougherty, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley), 16-8 Pool 1 1. Mary Kelly (Neosho County) 2. Duanujini Hordagoda (Dave Schultz WC) 3. Gina Heinzelmann (Minnesota Storm) 4. Monica Harris (Missouri Valley) Kelly won by tech. fall over Hordagoda, 12-0, 1:41 Heinzelmann won by tech. fall over Harris, 11-0, 1:23 Kelly pin Heinzelmann, 2:23 Hordagoda pin Harris, 5:18 Heinzelmann won by tech. fall over Hordagoda, 10-0, 4:00 Pool 2 1. Clarissa Chun (Gator WC) 2. Liz Short (UM-Morris) 3. Jessica Dougherty (Missouri Valley) Chun pin Short, 1:07 Chun pin Dougherty, 0:19 Short won by tech. fall over Dougherty, 2:08 51 kg/112.25 lbs. 1st - Jenny Wong, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Sunkist Kids) won by tech. fall over Belinda Chow, Cattown, Canada (U of Regina/Cattown), 11-0 3rd- Patrice Crenshaw, Morris, Minn. (UM-Morris) dec. Sarah Hayes, Williamsburg, Ky. (Cumberland), 4-0 5th- Katie Kunimoto, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC) won by tech. fall over Ophelia Pickard, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley), 10-0 Pool 1 1. Patrice Crenshaw (UM-Morris) 2. Belinda Chow (U of Regina/Cattown) 3. Katie Kunimoto (Gator) Chow pin Crenshaw, 1:47 Crenshaw dec. Kunimoto, 3-0 Chow dec. Kunimoto, 6-1 Pool 2 1. Sarah Hayes (Cumberland) 2. Jenny Wong (Sunkist Kids) 3. Ophelia Pickard (Missouri Valley) Wong won by tech. fall over Hayes, 11-0, 4:46 Hayes won by tech. fall over Pickard, 11-0, 3:28 Wong won by tech. fall over Pickard, 10-0 55 kg/121 lbs. 1st - Tela O'Donnell, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Dave Schultz WC) won by tech. fall over Marcie Van Dusen, Colorado Springs, Colo (Sunkist Kids), 13-3 3rd - Melina Hutchison, Atherton, Calif. (Menlo College) dec. Erin Soli, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley), 9-4 5th - Cathy Migita, Honolulu, Hawaii (Wahine WC) dec. Colleen McKenney, Williamsburg, Ky. (Cumberland College), 7-4 Pool 1 1. Tela O'Donnell (Dave Schultz WC) 2. Danielle Bowen (Missouri Valley) 3. Colleen McKenney (Cumberland) 4. Melina Hutchison (Menlo College) 5. Rebecca Cisneros (Missouri Valley) OĆDonnell won by tech. fall over Bowen, 10-0, 1:33 Hutchison pin McKenney, 1:45 O'Donnell won by tech. fall over Cisneros, 12-0, 1:51 McKenney won by tech. fall over Bowen , 13-2, 4:20 O'Donnell won by tech. fall over Hutchison, 10-0, 2:39 McKenney pin Cisneros, 4:26 O'Donnell pin Hutchison, 2:51 Pool 2 1. Katie Ross (UM-Morris 2. Marcie Van Dusen (Sunkist Kids) 3. Cathy Migita (Wahine WC) 4. Erin Soli (Missouri Valley) Van Dusen dec. Ross, 13-4 Soli dec. Migita, 12-8 Migita dec. Ross, 11-6 Van Dusen won by tech. fall over Soli, 11-0, 4:20 Van Dusen pin Migita, 5:04 59 kg/130 lbs. 1st - Korie Menegbo, Cattown, Canada (Univ. of Regina) 2nd - Lindsay Owens, Atherton, Calif. (Menlo) 3rd - Jamie Alvesteffer, Williamsburg, Ky. (Cumberland) 4th - Kiersten Hyatt , Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley) 5th - Christie Rafanan , Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley) Alvesteffer dec. Hyatt, 3-0 Owens pin Rafanan, 4:50 Menegbo dec. Hyatt, 10-7 Owens pin Alvesteffer, 5:44 Alvasteffer pin Rafanan, 5:19 Menegbo dec. Owens, 8-7 Menegbo won by tech. fall over Alvasteffer, 10-0 63 kg/138.75 lbs. 1st - Sally Roberts, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC) dec. Tori Adams, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC), 4-0 3rd - Alaina Berube, Williamsburg, Ky. (Cumberland) won by inj. dft. over Brooke Bogren,, Williamsburg, Ky. (Cumberland) 5th - Leigh Jaynes, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley) pin Sharon Jacobson, Morris, Minn. (UM-Morris), 4:28 Pool 1 1. Sharon Jacobson (UM-Morris) 2. Linse Meadows (Neosho) 3. Alaina Berube (Cumberland) 4. Tori Adams (Gator WC) Jacobson pin Meadows, 4:00 Adams dec. Berube, 7-2 Berube pin Jacobson, 1:27 Adams won by tech. fall over Meadows, 11-0, 2:23 Adams dec. Jacobson, 4-3 Pool 2 1. Ranae Faaborg (UM-Morris) 2. Brooke Bogren (Cumberland) 3. Leigh Jaynes (Missouri Valley) 4. Sally Roberts (Gator WC) Bogren won by tech. fall over Faaborg, 11-0, 4:54 Roberts won by tech, fall over Jaynes, 11-0, 4:29 Jaynes won by tech. fall over Faaborg , 13-3, 3:00 Roberts pin Bogren , 4:00 Bogren pin Jaynes, 4:19 67 kg/147.5 lbs. 1st - Katie Downing, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Sunkist Kids) dec. Kaci Lyle, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Sunkist Kids), 4-2 3rd - Tina Arnds, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley) dec. Mollie Keith, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley), 5-1 5th - Erin Church, Cattown, Canada (U of Regina/Cattown) pin Ku'u Johnson, Honolulu, Hawaii (Wahine WC), 2:17 Pool 1 1. Tina Arnds (Missouri Valley) 2. Erin Church (Univ. of Regina) 3. Dina Tavera (Menlo College) 4. Katie Downing (Sunkist Kids) Arnds pin Church, 2:26 Downing pin Tavera, 0:34 Arnds won by tech. fall over Tavera, 10-0, 5:49 Downing pin Church, 1:27 Church won by tech, fall over Tavera, 10-0 Downing pin Arnds, 1:22 Pool 2 1. Ku'u Johnson (Team Hawaii) 2. Kaci Lyle (Sunkist Kids) 3. Mollie Keith (Missouri Valley) Lyle won by tech. fall over Johnson, 11-0, 2:47 Keith pin Johnson, 0:37 Lyle won by tech. fall over Keith, 10-0 72 kg/158.5 lbs. 1st - Toccara Montgomery, Williamsburg, Ky. (Cumberland) 2nd - Stephany Lee, Honolulu, Hawaii (Wahine WC) 3rd - Jessica Eberhart, Atherton, Calif. (Menlo College) Montgomery won by inj. dft. over Eberhart Montgomery won by tech. fall over Lee, 11-1, 4:24 Lee won by inj. dft. over Eberhart 77 kg/169.5 lbs. 1st - Satrinina Vernon, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC) 2nd ? Donnell Bradley, Marshall, Mo. (Missouri Valley) 3rd - Alicia Mena, Chanute, Kan, (Neosho County) 4th - Megan Goldsmith, Morris, Minn. (UM-Morris) Bradley pin Mena, 3:46 Vernon won by tech. fall over Goldsmith, 11-0, 4:53 Vernon dec. Bradley, 12-3 Mena pin Goldsmith, 0:55 Vernon won by tech. fall over Mena, 13-3