Cadet National Duals - 06/17/2009

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Championship Results
1st Place - Illinois
2nd Place - Minnesota 1
3rd Place - Wisconsin
4th Place - Iowa
5th Place - Oklahoma 1
6th Place - Washington
7th Place - Pennsylvania 1
8th Place - Missouri

First Place: Illinois defeated Minnesota 1 37-35
Third Place: Wisconsin defeated Iowa 37-36
Fifth Place: Oklahoma 1 defeated Washington 42-35
Seventh Place: Pennsylvania 1 defeated Missouri 46-24

Championship Dual
Illinois 37, Minnesota 35
84 Nkosi Moody (Illinois) over Jarred Oftdahl (Minnesota 1) Dec 3-1,6-0 
91 Matthew Garelli (Illinois) over Matt Elsenpeter (Minnesota 1) Pin 1:44 
98 Sam Brancale (Minnesota 1) over Nick Fontenetta (Illinois) Dec 3-0,2-1  
105 Mitch Bengtson (Minnesota 1) over Kevon Powell (Illinois) Pin 1:17 
112 Eric Bauer (Minnesota 1) over Eddie Greco (Illinois) Pin 0:51 
119 Eddie Klimara (Illinois) over Dakota Trom (Minnesota 1) Dec 8-0,1-1,5-0 
125 Jameson Oster (Illinois) over Jake Short (Minnesota 1) Dec 4-0,2-0 
130 Matt Kelliher (Minnesota 1) over Zane Richards (Illinois) Dec 2-0,0-2,2-0  
135 Blaise Butler (Illinois) over Dan Dick (Minnesota 1) Dec 4-0,3-2 
140 Spartacus Chino (Illinois) over Brandon Kingsley (Minnesota 1) Dec 2-1,7-3  
145 Zach Rohr (Minnesota 1) over Tim Corse (Illinois) Dec 2-0,4-2  
152 Steve Congenie (Illinois) over Cooper Moore (Minnesota 1) Pin 4-3,1:56 
160 Jake Waste (Minnesota 1) over Sam Brooks (Illinois) Dec 0-1,1-0,1-0 
171 Dylan Reel (Illinois) over Cody Tibbetts (Minnesota 1) Dec 4-0,2-1 
189 Michael Kroells (Minnesota 1) over Austin Marsden (Illinois) Dec 0-3,6-4,1-1
215 Gage Harrah (Illinois) over Isaac Eichmann (Minnesota 1) TF 10-2,9-2 
285 Donny Longendyke (Minnesota 1) over Reid Sealby (Illinois) TF 7-0,7-0 

Cadet National Duals All-Tournament Team - Freestyle
84 Pounds: Zach Howell of Delaware went 8-0, Dylan Akers of Texas went 6-0
91 Pounds: Colton Howell of Missouri went 10-0, Jacob Schmitt of Michigan 1 went 9-0
98 Pounds: Ty Dippery of Pennsylvania 2 went 7-0, Nick Roberts of Pennsylvania 1 went 9-0
105 Pounds: Jack Hathaway of Iowa went 6-0
112 Pounds: Ben Whitford of Michigan 1 went 9-0
119 Pounds: Eddie Klimara of Illinois went 9-0, Joe Orecchio of New Jersey went 6-0
130 Pounds: Alex Dieringer of Wisconsin went 9-0
135 Pounds: Eric Hoffman of Maryland went 7-0, Zak Benitz of Wisconsin went 9-0
140 Pounds: Gabe Moreno of Iowa went 10-0
145 Pounds: Christopher Nevenger of New York went 9-0, Zach Rohr of Minnesota 1 went 6-0
152 Pounds: Taylor Massa of Michigan 1 went 10-0, Steve Congenie of Illinois went 9-0
171 Pounds: Devin Peterson of Wisconsin went 10-0, Zackary Diekel of New York went 9-0, Travis Mallo of Iowa went 9-0
189 Pounds: Adam Coon of Michigan 1 went 9-0, Michael Kroells of Minnesota 1 went 6-0
215 Pounds: Gage Harrah of Illinois went 9-0, Maalique Micenheimer of California went 6-0
285 Pounds: Caleb White of Iowa went 9-0, Donny Longendyke of Minnesota 1 went 8-0