DIVISION A 58 kg 1st - Darren Goldstein (North Shore WC) tech. fall Larry Colton (GNWC), 12-0, 0:55 63 kg 1st - Patrick Higa (East L.A. Centurions) dec. John Robinson (Hawaii), 10-4 3rd - Joe LaFramboise (Dave Schultz WC) dec. Dan Kamerer (Triple Threat), 5-2 Semifinals: John Robinson (Hawaii) dec. Joe LaFramboise (Dave Schultz WC), 10-6 Patrick Higa (East L.A. Centurions) tech. fall Dan Kamerer (Triple Threat), 10-0, 2:16 69 kg 1st - Ronald Hughes (California) dec. J.T. Petty (Embry-Riddle), 7-1 3rd - Mike Jozwowski (Wisconsin) dec. David Cannizzo (New York AC), 3-1 Semifinals: J.T. Petty (Embry-Riddle) tech. fall Mike Jozwowski (Wisconsin), 10-0, 2:29 Ronald Hughes (California) dec. David Cannizzo (New York AC), 3-2 First Round: Mike Jozwowski (Wisconsin) dec. Rene Kaerskov (Santa Monica), 14-7 Consolation: Cannizzo tech. fall Kaerskov, 13-3, 3:30 76 kg 1st - Steve Horton (U.S. Air Force) dec. Kevin Pine (Elma WC), 4-1 3rd - Bob Freund (Washington) by fall over Billy Wood (Hawaii), 1:45 Semifinals: Kevin Pine (Elma WC) by fall over Billy Wood (Hawaii), 2:52 Steve Horton (U.S. Air Force) dec. Bob Freund (Washington), 10-4 85 kg 1st - Scott Bohlken (Wildcat WC) dec. Jeff Anderson (Waubonsee), 3-1 3rd - Joe Paluba (IKE) dec. Reggie Roberts (Surf City WC), 9-6 Semifinals: Scott Bohlken (Wildcat WC) by fall over Joe Paluba (IKE), 1:01 Jeff Anderson (Waubonsee) by fall over Reggie Roberts (Surf City WC), 1:59 97 kg 1st - Wayne Purtell (Dave Schultz WC) tech. fall Mark Mireles (East LA Centurions), 10-0, 6:00 3rd - Chris Gilliam (CLP X) by forfeit over Greg Pettit (Russell Athletic Club) Semifinals: Wayne Purtell (Dave Schultz WC) dec. Greg Pettit (Russell Athletic Club), 14-6 Mark Mireles (East LA Centurions) dec. Chris Gilliam (CLP X), 10-4 130 kg 1st - Jim Richardson (Minnesota Storm) dec. Mark Kocer (Thunder Bolts), 9-0 3rd - Gary Ringenberg (Lincoln Way) by fall over Robert Redman (S.F. Peninsula Grapplers), 0:52 Semifinals: Jim Richardson (Minnesota Storm) by fall over Robert Redman (S.F. Peninsula Grapplers), 3:24 Mark Kocer (Thunder Bolts) by fall over Gary Ringenberg (Lincoln Way), 3:18 DIVISION B 58 kg 1st - Mark LeVasseur (New Ulm Rolling Thunder) dec. Charles Knox (Team of Hard Knox), 10-7 3rd - Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC) dec. George Dunn (Eastside Wrestling), 9-0 Semifinals: Charles Knox (Team of Hard Knox) tech. fall George Dunn (Eastside Wrestling), 10-0, 3:23 Mark LeVasseur (New Ulm Rolling Thunder) tech. fall Tom Peterman (Peterman Pitbulls), 11-0, 2:43 First Round: Charles Knox (Team of Hard Knox) dec. Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC), 8-6 Consolation: Mohlman dec. Peterman, 5-4 63 kg 1st - Brad Gustafson (Toolee) dec. Robert Wimberley (Marauder WC), 3-0 3rd - Tom Olson (Dave Schultz WC) dec. Peter DeViaminck (Monterey Peninsula), 9-5 Semifinals: Robert Wimberley (Marauder WC) tech. fall Tom Olson (Dave Schultz WC), 11-0, 1:55 Brad Gustafson (Toolee) by disq. over Scott Gallan (Wrestlers Rock WC) First Round: Robert Wimberley (Marauder WC) tech. fall Peter DeViaminck (Monterey Peninsula), 10-0, 0:57 69 kg 1st - Mike Mann (U.S. Marine Corps) tech. fall Samei Rasool (Santa Monica Bay), 11-0, 1:39 3rd - Greg Robbins (Legacy) by forfeit Semifinals: Samei Rasool (Santa Monica Bay) by disq. over Jamey Kasser (Ohio) Mike Mann (U.S. Marine Corps) tech. fall Greg Robbins (Legacy), 12-0, 2:12 76 kg 1st - Murray Lee Crews (OGW) 2nd - Clay Holly (Oolagah) 3rd - Dave Schlarb (Ohio) Round Robin Crews dec. Holly, 5-4 Holly by fall over Schlarb, 2:38 Crews tech. fall Schlarb, 10-0, 0:29 85 kg 1st - Curtis Nelson (Elite WC) 2nd - Scott Mackintosh (Lehi Legacy) 3rd - Mike Mitrowski (New York AC) Round Robin Mackintosh dec. Mitrowski, 7-2 Nelson dec. Mackintosh, 7-5 Nelson by tech. fall over Mitrowski, 11-1, 2:43 97 kg 1st - Mitchell Robert (Calvary Chapel) 130 kg 1st - Kevin Donofrio (Brandon) DIVISION C 58 kg 1st - Mark Jordan (Arrow Rock) dec. John Smithson (Buena Vista), 6-4 63 kg 1st - Paul Herder (Montrose) by inj. default over John Guerra (Arizona) 69 kg 1st - Russ Cozart (Brandon WC) tech. fall Ron Reider (Washington WC), 11-0, 2:38 76 kg 1st - Bruce Moe (North Dakota) dec. Sarkis Dermenjian (Six Golden Boys), 8-5 3rd - Steve Wehdbee (Will C. Wood WC) by fall over Charles Fallon (SAAA), 0:36 Semifinals: Sarkis Dermenjian (Six Golden Boys) dec. Steve Wehdbee (Will C. Wood WC), 8-5 Bruce Moe (North Dakota) tech. fall Charles Fallon (SAAA), 10-0, 1:27 85 kg 1st - Steve Conterino (Unattached) 2nd - Mark Black (Santa Monica Bay) 3rd - Scott McNab (New York AC) Round Robin Black dec. Conterino, 11-5 Conterino by fall over McNab, 1:10 Black by fall over McNab, 1:59 97 kg 1st - Leonard Simon (OGW) 130 kg 1st - David Eads (Capital City WC) DIVISION D 58 kg 1st - Clifford Ray (Arizona) dec. Ray Guerra (Arizona), 5-0 63 kg 1st - Ronald Engel (Napa Valley WC) dec. Loren Rabnick (Cleveland WC), 10-2 85 kg 1st - John Matthews (Arizona) 2nd - Mike Gaughan (Unattached) 3rd - Scott Hessner (Lehigh Valley WC) Round Robin Matthews by fall over Gaughan, 2:38 Matthews by fall over Hessner, 0:33 Gaughan by fall over Hessner, 0:23 130 kg 1st - Bruce Quinn Jr. (Fall Guys) DIVISION E 69 kg 1st - Boris Parkhomovsky (Washington WC) 76 kg 1st - Gershon Horowitz (Fall Guys) 2nd - Mansour Honovar (Laguna Beach HS) 3rd - Sonny Boyd (Virginia) Round Robin Horowitz dec. Boyd, 3-0 Horowitz dec. Honovar, 6-1 Honovar dec. Boyd, 6-1 85 kg 1st - James Tenniehill (J&R Turner WC) dec. Donald Apodaca (Jets), 4-0 130 kg 1st - Larry Prosper (California)