DIVISION A 58 kg 1st - Darren Petty (Greensburg WC) dec. Clint Brooks (Unattached), 4-3 3rd - Paul Kaiser (Eastside WC) tech. fall Darren Goldstein (North Shore WC), 12-2, 2:03 Semifinals: Darren Petty (Greensburg WC) dec. Paul Kaiser (Eastside WC), 3-2 Clint Brooks (Unattached) by fall over Larry Colton (GNWC), 1:17 First Round: Darren Petty (Greensburg WC) dec. Darren Goldstein (North Shore WC), 8-2 Consolation: Goldstein by fall over Colton, 1:53 63 kg 1st - Patrick Higg (E. LA Centurians) by inj. default over Rob Porter (Oregon) 3rd - Joe LaFramboise (Dave Schultz WC) tech. fall Dan Kamerer (Triple Threat), 11-0, 3:20 Semifinals: Patrick Higg (E. LA Centurians) dec. Dan Kamerer (Triple Threat), 12-4 Rob Porter (Oregon) tech. fall Joe LaFramboise (Dave Schultz WC), 11-0, 3:05 69 kg 1st - Anibal Nieves (Nieves Ahmadi) by fall over Jeff Mustari (Unattached), 3:53 3rd - J.T. Petty (Embry Riddle WC) dec. Ronald Hughes (Unattached), 7-6 Semifinals: Anibal Nieves (Nieves Ahmadi) dec. Ronald Hughes (Unattached), 2-0 Jeff Mustari (Unattached) dec. J.T. Petty (Embry Riddle WC), 4-1 First Round: Anibal Nieves (Nieves Ahmadi) tech. fall David Cannizzo (NYAC), 10-0, 1:15 Consolation: Petty tech. fall Cannizzo, 11-0, 3:28 76 kg 1st - Kevin Pine (Elma WC) dec. Bob Freund (Washington), 5-3 3rd - Steve Hurton (U.S. Air Force) dec. Nick Dougherty (Mid Valley), 8-3 Semifinals: Kevin Pine (Elma WC) by fall over Paul Garcia (Unattached), 0:36 Bob Freund (Washington) dec. Mike French (Char Bar WC), 7-4 Quarterfinals: Kevin Pine (Elma WC) tech. fall Nick Dougherty (Mid Valley), 10-0, 2:54 Paul Garcia (unattached) dec. Cliff Conte (CYC), 8-0 Mike French (Char Bar WC) dec. Steve Hurton (U.S. Air Force), 7-2 Bob Freund (Washington) dec. Alberto Nieves (Nieves/Ahmadi), 9-4 Consolations: Dougherty tech. fall Conte, 10-0, 2:07 Hurton dec. Nieves, 7-0 Dougherty dec. French, 3-1 Hurton tech. fall Garcia, 10-0, 1:42 85 kg 1st - Jeff Anderson (Waubonsee) tech. fall Monty Graham (Rick Sanders WC), 12-2, 3:58 3rd - Scott Bohlken (Wildcat WC) by fall over Grant Hovis (Minnesota Storm), 1:02 Semifinals: Jeff Anderson (Waubonsee) tech. fall Scott Bohlken (Wildcat WC), 11-0, 3:36 Monty Graham (Rick Sanders WC) dec. Grant Hovis (Minnesota Storm), 3-0 97 kg 1st - Mark Mireles (Centurion WC) dec. Wayne Purtell (Dave Schultz WC), 6-0 3rd - Bill Pederson (Petaluma) dec. Don Zeman (No Mercy), 9-5 Semifinals: Mark Mireles (Centurion WC) tech. fall Brian Jones (Santa Monica Bay WC), 12-0, 1:52 Wayne Purtell (Dave Schultz WC) dec. Don Zeman (No Mercy), 10-2 First Round: Mark Mireles (Centurion WC) dec. Chris Gilliam (CLP X), 4-1 Don Zeman (No Mercy) dec. Bill Pederson (Petaluma), 11-8 Consolation: Zeman dec. Gilliam, 9-6 Pederson dec. Jones, 3-0 130 kg 1st - Gary Ringenberg (Lincoln Way) dec. Mark Kocer (Thunderbolts), 7-6 DIVISION B 58 kg 1st - Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC) tech. fall Tom Peterman (Peterman Pitbulls), 12-2, 3:40 3rd - Charles Knox (Team of Hard Knox) tech. fall Mark Levasseur (New Ulm Rolling Thunder), 11-0, 1:08 Semifinals: Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC) dec. Charles Knox (Team of Hard Knox), 6-5 Tom Peterman (Peterman Pitbulls) dec. Mark Levasseur (New Ulm Rolling Thunder), 10-6 First Round: Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC) tech. fall George Dunn (Eastside WC), 13-3, 5:19 Consolation: Levasseur dec. Dunn, 15-13 63 kg 1st - Brad Gustafson (Tooele) dec. James Kasser (Ohio WC), 5-0 3rd - Don Stevens (Unattached) dec. Tom Olson (Dave Schultz WC), 10-7 Semifinals: Brad Gustafson (Tooele) dec. Don Stevens (Unattached), 5-1 James Kasser (Ohio WC) by fall over Peter DeVlaminck (Montana), 3:10 Quarterfinals: Brad Gustafson (Tooele) tech. fall Tom Olson (Dave Schultz WC), 11-0, 2:35 Don Stevens (Unattached) by fall over Samei Rasool (Santa Monica Bay), 0:32 James Kasser (Ohio WC) dec. Robert Wimberley (Maurauder WC), 10-6 Peter DeVlaminck (Montana) dec. Scott Gallan (Wrestlers Rock WC), 3-0 Consolations: Olson dec. Rasool, 5-4 Gallan by inj. default over Wimberley Olson dec. DeVlaminck, 4-3 Stevens tech. fall Gallan, 10-0, 2:28 76 kg 1st - Murray Lee Crews (OGW) by fall over Mark Granillo (East L.A. WC), 1:04 3rd - Clay Holly (Oollogah) dec. Greg Robbins (Legacy), 8-5 Semifinals: Murray Lee Crews (OGW) dec. Clay Holly (Oollogah), 10-6 Mark Granillo (East L.A. WC) dec. Dave Schlarb (Ohio), 4-3 First Round: Murray Lee Crews (OGW) dec. Greg Robbins (Legacy), 7-0 Consolation: Robbins by forfeit over Schlarb 85 kg 1st - Lewis Sondegroth (Cherry Creek) tech. fall Scott Mackintosh (Lehi Legacy), 14-1, 2:48 3rd - Steve Smith (Falcons) by fall over Mike Mitrowski (Unattached), 2:46 Semifinals: Lewis Sondegroth (Cherry Creek) by inj. default over Mike Mitrowski (Unattached) Scott Mackintosh (Lehi Legacy) dec. Mike Marr (Advance), 5-2 First Round: Lewis Sondegroth (Cherry Creek) tech. fall Steve Smith (Falcons), 11-1, 1:16 Scott Mackintosh (Lehi Legacy) dec. Curtis Nelson (Elite WC), 8-5 Consolations: Smith by fall over Marr, 1:29 Nelson dec. Mitrowski, 10-2 97 kg 1st - Jeff Henry (Unattached) dec. Steve Shapiro (Santa Monica Bay), 6-1 130 kg 1st - Daniel Chaid (Dave Schultz WC) 2nd - Michael Van Hoven (Tartar WC) 3rd - Kevin Donofrio (Brandon) Van Hoven dec. Donofrio, 3-1 Chaid by fall over Donofrio, 1:41 Chaid tech. fall over Van Hoven, 10-0, 2:20 DIVISION C 58 kg 1st - John Smithson (Buena Vista) by inj. default over Mark Jordine (Arrow Rock) 63 kg 1st - Paul Herder (Montrose) dec. Peter Zurfliea (Cumberland), 4-3 3rd - Steven Turgeon (Northeast Elite) by forfeit over John Guerra (Unattached) Semifinals: Peter Zurfliea (Cumberland) by inj. default over John Guerra (Unattached) Paul Herder (Montrose) tech. fall Steven Turgeon (Northeast Elite), 13-0, 2:56 69 kg 1st - Russ Cozart (Brandon WC) 2nd - Ron Reider (Washington WC) 3rd - Craig Johnson (Colorado Stars) Reider dec. Johnson, 5-4 Cozart by fall over Jacobson, 1:46 Cozart tech. fall Reider, 10-0, 2:52 76 kg 1st - Bruce Moe (North Dakota) dec. Kevin Hejdal (Sierra WC), 5-2 3rd - Steve Morris (Rick Sanders WC) by inj. default over Paul LaBlanc (Unattached) Semifinals: Bruce Moe (North Dakota) dec. Steve Morris (Rick Sanders WC), 5-0 Kevin Hejdal (Sierra WC) tech. fall Wayne Peterson (BWC), 11-0, 1:09 Quarterfinals: Steve Morris (Rick Sanders WC) dec. Paul LaBlanc (Unattached), 10-3 Bruce Moe (North Dakota) by fall over Gary Hinzo (Unattached), 0:16 Wayne Peterson (BWC) dec. Steve Whedbee (Will C. Wood), 8-6 Kevin Heinal (Sierra WC) BYE Consolations: LaBlanc by inj. default over Hinzo LaBlanc by fall over Peterson, 1:40 Morris tech. fall Whedbee, 10-0, 3:52 85 kg 1st - Tony Peraza (North Shore) by fall over Mark Black (Santa Monica Bay), 1:45 3rd - Steve Contarino (Unattached) by fall over Bud Sines (Brookfield WC), 2:10 Semifinals: Mark Black (Santa Monica Bay) tech. fall Steve Contarino (Unattached), 11-0, 2:23 Tony Peraza (North Shore) by fall over Bud Sines (Brookfield WC), 3:05 97 kg 1st - Greg Ookorian (Unattached) by inj. default over Leonard Simon (OGW) 3rd - Mike Haschak (UCLA Alumni) by inj. default over Marty Martinez (Pleasant Hill WC) Semifinals: Greg Ookorian (Unattached) dec. Marty Martinez (Pleasant Hill WC), 3-0 Leonard Simon (OGW) dec. Mike Haschak (UCLA Alumni), 9-0 First Round: Greg Ookorian (Unattached) dec. Paul Vinson (Next Protein WC), 8-0 Consolation: Haschak by fall over Vinson, 2:46 130 kg 1st - David Eads (Capital City WC) DIVISION D 58 kg 1st - Clifford Ray (Arizona) 2nd - Tommy Reyna (Edmond Freestyle) 3rd - Ray Guerra (Florida Blackhawk) Reyna by inj. default over Guerra Ray dec. Reyna, 12-4 Ray by inj. default over Guerra 63 kg 1st - Shirrad Ahmadi (Nieves-Ahmadi) dec. Ronald Engel (Napa WC), 5-0 3rd - Gerald Silva (Cumberland) dec. Jack Hornbuckle (Unattached), 4-0 Semifinals: Shirrad Ahmadi (Nieves-Ahmadi) dec. Jack Hornbuckle (Unattached), 4-0 Ronald Engel (Napa WC) dec. Gerald Silva (Cumberland), 3-0 First Round: Shirrad Ahmadi (Nieves-Ahmadi) dec. Loren Rabnick (Cleveland WC), 4-3 Consolation: Silva dec. Rabnick, 9-3 69 kg 1st - John Bennett (Berlin WC) dec. Jim Lucas (San Jose State), 5-3 3rd - Bryan Smith (Rocket Rasslin) by inj. default over Porfirian Mykhailo (Unattached) Semifinals: John Bennett (Berlin WC) by fall over Porfirian Mykhailo (Unattached), 1:59 Jim Lucas (San Jose State) dec. Bryan Smith (Rocket Rasslin), 5-0 76 kg 1st - Sergio Jimenez (Pantera) dec. Charles Fallon (Scottish America), 8-0 85 kg 1st - John Matthews (Arizona) dec. Rick Lafrerrier (TNT Wrestling), 8-0 3rd - Scott Hessener (Lehigh Valley) by forfeit over Jesse Saenz (Sunkist Kids) Semifinals: Rick Lafrerrier (TNT Wrestling) by forfeit over Michael Turk (Lake Arrowhead) John Matthews (Arizona) tech. fall Scott Hessener (Lehigh Valley), 11-0, 1:39 First Round: Rick Lafrerrier (TNT Wrestling) by fall over Jesse Saenz (Sunkist Kids), 0:56 97 kg 1st - Joseph Podraza (New York AC) 2nd - Steven Wolfe (Popeye WC) 3rd - Ron Cole (Eastside WC) Podraza dec. Cole, 6-3 Podraza dec. Wolfe, 6-3 Wolfe by inj. default Cole 130 kg 1st - Gerald Ponce (Golden State Wrestling) by fall over Kevin Courtney (California) 0:44 3rd - Steve Hyman (Last Man Standing) by forfeit over Bruce Quinn Jr. (Fall Guys) Semifinals: Gerald Ponce (Golden State Wrestling) dec. Steve Hyman (Last Man Standing), 6-0 Kevin Courtney (California) dec. Bruce Quinn Jr. (Fall Guys), 5-0 DIVISION E 69 kg 1st - Charles Hotcaves (Bald Eagles) 2nd - Mansour Hanarvar (Laguna Hills) 3rd - Boris Parkhomovsky (Washington WC) Hotcaves dec. Hanarvar, 3-1 Hanarvar by fall over Parkhomovsky, 3:56 Hotcaves by forfeit over Parkhomovsky 76 kg 1st - Wayne Eric Boyd (Palm Springs) by fall over Gershon Horowitz (Fall Guys) 3rd - Joe Aiken (Kitsap Ironman) dec. Sunny Boyd (Virginia), 4-2 Semifinals: Gershon Horowitz (Fall Guys) by fall over Joe Aiken (Kitsap Ironman), 3:34 Wayne Eric Boyd (Palm Springs) by inj. default over Joe Seay (Sunkist Kids) First Round: Joe Aiken (Kitsap Ironman) by fall over Sunny Boyd (Virginia), 1:53 Joe Seay (Sunkist Kids) dec. James Butcher (Virginia), 3-0 Consolation: Boyd by inj. default over Seay Aiken dec. Butcher, 9-4 85 kg 1st - James Tanniehill (J&R Turner WC) dec. Donald Apodaca (Jets), 5-1 97 kg 1st - Bob Anderson (Jets) 2nd - Paul Stull (Ice Breakers) 3rd - Berl Middlebrooks (Atwater WC) Anderson dec. Stull, 4-0 Anderson by fall over Middlebrooks, 1:30 Stull by fall over Middlebrooks, 1:59 130 kg 1st - Larry Prosper (California)