Veterans National Championships - 05/08/2003

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58 kg
1st - Darren Petty (Greensburg WC) dec. Clint Brooks (Unattached), 4-3
3rd - Paul Kaiser (Eastside WC) tech. fall Darren Goldstein (North Shore WC), 12-2, 2:03

Darren Petty (Greensburg WC) dec. Paul Kaiser (Eastside WC), 3-2
Clint Brooks (Unattached) by fall over Larry Colton (GNWC), 1:17

First Round:
Darren Petty (Greensburg WC) dec. Darren Goldstein (North Shore WC), 8-2

Goldstein by fall over Colton, 1:53

63 kg
1st - Patrick Higg (E. LA Centurians) by inj. default over Rob Porter (Oregon)
3rd - Joe LaFramboise (Dave Schultz WC) tech. fall Dan Kamerer (Triple Threat), 11-0, 3:20

Patrick Higg (E. LA Centurians) dec. Dan Kamerer (Triple Threat), 12-4
Rob Porter (Oregon) tech. fall Joe LaFramboise (Dave Schultz WC), 11-0, 3:05

69 kg
1st - Anibal Nieves (Nieves Ahmadi) by fall over Jeff Mustari (Unattached), 3:53
3rd - J.T. Petty (Embry Riddle WC) dec. Ronald Hughes (Unattached), 7-6

Anibal Nieves (Nieves Ahmadi) dec. Ronald Hughes (Unattached), 2-0
Jeff Mustari (Unattached) dec. J.T. Petty (Embry Riddle WC), 4-1

First Round:
Anibal Nieves (Nieves Ahmadi) tech. fall David Cannizzo (NYAC), 10-0, 1:15

Petty tech. fall Cannizzo, 11-0, 3:28

76 kg
1st - Kevin Pine (Elma WC) dec. Bob Freund (Washington), 5-3
3rd - Steve Hurton (U.S. Air Force) dec. Nick Dougherty (Mid Valley), 8-3

Kevin Pine (Elma WC) by fall over Paul Garcia (Unattached), 0:36
Bob Freund (Washington) dec. Mike French (Char Bar WC), 7-4

Kevin Pine (Elma WC) tech. fall Nick Dougherty (Mid Valley), 10-0, 2:54
Paul Garcia (unattached) dec. Cliff Conte (CYC), 8-0
Mike French (Char Bar WC) dec. Steve Hurton (U.S. Air Force), 7-2
Bob Freund (Washington) dec. Alberto Nieves (Nieves/Ahmadi), 9-4

Dougherty tech. fall Conte, 10-0, 2:07
Hurton dec. Nieves, 7-0
Dougherty dec. French, 3-1
Hurton tech. fall Garcia, 10-0, 1:42

85 kg
1st - Jeff Anderson (Waubonsee) tech. fall Monty Graham (Rick Sanders WC), 12-2, 3:58
3rd - Scott Bohlken (Wildcat WC) by fall over Grant Hovis (Minnesota Storm), 1:02

Jeff Anderson (Waubonsee) tech. fall Scott Bohlken (Wildcat WC), 11-0, 3:36
Monty Graham (Rick Sanders WC) dec. Grant Hovis (Minnesota Storm), 3-0

97 kg 
1st - Mark Mireles (Centurion WC) dec. Wayne Purtell (Dave Schultz WC), 6-0
3rd - Bill Pederson (Petaluma) dec. Don Zeman (No Mercy), 9-5

Mark Mireles (Centurion WC) tech. fall Brian Jones (Santa Monica Bay WC), 12-0, 1:52
Wayne Purtell (Dave Schultz WC) dec. Don Zeman (No Mercy), 10-2

First Round:
Mark Mireles (Centurion WC) dec. Chris Gilliam (CLP X), 4-1
Don Zeman (No Mercy) dec. Bill Pederson (Petaluma), 11-8

Zeman dec. Gilliam, 9-6
Pederson dec. Jones, 3-0

130 kg
1st - Gary Ringenberg (Lincoln Way) dec. Mark Kocer (Thunderbolts), 7-6

58 kg
1st - Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC) tech. fall Tom Peterman (Peterman Pitbulls), 12-2, 3:40
3rd - Charles Knox (Team of Hard Knox) tech. fall Mark Levasseur (New Ulm Rolling Thunder), 11-0, 1:08

Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC) dec. Charles Knox (Team of Hard Knox), 6-5
Tom Peterman (Peterman Pitbulls) dec. Mark Levasseur (New Ulm Rolling Thunder), 10-6

First Round:
Ramie Mohlman (W. Palm Beach WC) tech. fall George Dunn (Eastside WC), 13-3, 5:19

Levasseur dec. Dunn, 15-13

63 kg
1st - Brad Gustafson (Tooele) dec. James Kasser (Ohio WC), 5-0
3rd - Don Stevens (Unattached) dec. Tom Olson (Dave Schultz WC), 10-7

Brad Gustafson (Tooele) dec. Don Stevens (Unattached), 5-1
James Kasser (Ohio WC) by fall over Peter DeVlaminck (Montana), 3:10

Brad Gustafson (Tooele) tech. fall Tom Olson (Dave Schultz WC), 11-0, 2:35
Don Stevens (Unattached) by fall over Samei Rasool (Santa Monica Bay), 0:32
James Kasser (Ohio WC) dec. Robert Wimberley (Maurauder WC), 10-6
Peter DeVlaminck (Montana) dec. Scott Gallan (Wrestlers Rock WC), 3-0

Olson dec. Rasool, 5-4
Gallan by inj. default over Wimberley
Olson dec. DeVlaminck, 4-3
Stevens tech. fall Gallan, 10-0, 2:28

76 kg
1st - Murray Lee Crews (OGW) by fall over Mark Granillo (East L.A. WC), 1:04
3rd - Clay Holly (Oollogah) dec. Greg Robbins (Legacy), 8-5

Murray Lee Crews (OGW) dec. Clay Holly (Oollogah), 10-6
Mark Granillo (East L.A. WC) dec. Dave Schlarb (Ohio), 4-3

First Round:
Murray Lee Crews (OGW) dec. Greg Robbins (Legacy), 7-0

Robbins by forfeit over Schlarb

85 kg
1st - Lewis Sondegroth (Cherry Creek) tech. fall Scott Mackintosh (Lehi Legacy), 14-1, 2:48
3rd - Steve Smith (Falcons) by fall over Mike Mitrowski (Unattached), 2:46

Lewis Sondegroth (Cherry Creek) by inj. default over Mike Mitrowski (Unattached)
Scott Mackintosh (Lehi Legacy) dec. Mike Marr (Advance), 5-2

First Round:
Lewis Sondegroth (Cherry Creek) tech. fall Steve Smith (Falcons), 11-1, 1:16
Scott Mackintosh (Lehi Legacy) dec. Curtis Nelson (Elite WC), 8-5

Smith by fall over Marr, 1:29
Nelson dec. Mitrowski, 10-2

97 kg
1st - Jeff Henry (Unattached) dec. Steve Shapiro (Santa Monica Bay), 6-1

130 kg
1st - Daniel Chaid (Dave Schultz WC)
2nd - Michael Van Hoven (Tartar WC)
3rd - Kevin Donofrio (Brandon)

Van Hoven dec. Donofrio, 3-1
Chaid by fall over Donofrio, 1:41
Chaid tech. fall over Van Hoven, 10-0, 2:20

58 kg
1st - John Smithson (Buena Vista) by inj. default over Mark Jordine (Arrow Rock)

63 kg
1st - Paul Herder (Montrose) dec. Peter Zurfliea (Cumberland), 4-3
3rd - Steven Turgeon (Northeast Elite) by forfeit over John Guerra (Unattached)

Peter Zurfliea (Cumberland) by inj. default over John Guerra (Unattached)
Paul Herder (Montrose) tech. fall Steven Turgeon (Northeast Elite), 13-0, 2:56

69 kg
1st - Russ Cozart (Brandon WC)
2nd - Ron Reider (Washington WC)
3rd - Craig Johnson (Colorado Stars)

Reider dec. Johnson, 5-4
Cozart by fall over Jacobson, 1:46
Cozart tech. fall Reider, 10-0, 2:52

76 kg
1st - Bruce Moe (North Dakota) dec. Kevin Hejdal (Sierra WC), 5-2
3rd - Steve Morris (Rick Sanders WC) by inj. default over Paul LaBlanc (Unattached)

Bruce Moe (North Dakota) dec. Steve Morris (Rick Sanders WC), 5-0
Kevin Hejdal (Sierra WC) tech. fall Wayne Peterson (BWC), 11-0, 1:09

Steve Morris (Rick Sanders WC) dec. Paul LaBlanc (Unattached), 10-3
Bruce Moe (North Dakota) by fall over Gary Hinzo (Unattached), 0:16
Wayne Peterson (BWC) dec. Steve Whedbee (Will C. Wood), 8-6
Kevin Heinal (Sierra WC) BYE

LaBlanc by inj. default over Hinzo
LaBlanc by fall over Peterson, 1:40
Morris tech. fall Whedbee, 10-0, 3:52

85 kg
1st - Tony Peraza (North Shore) by fall over Mark Black (Santa Monica Bay), 1:45
3rd - Steve Contarino (Unattached) by fall over Bud Sines (Brookfield WC), 2:10

Mark Black (Santa Monica Bay) tech. fall Steve Contarino (Unattached), 11-0, 2:23
Tony Peraza (North Shore) by fall over Bud Sines (Brookfield WC), 3:05

97 kg
1st - Greg Ookorian (Unattached) by inj. default over Leonard Simon (OGW)
3rd - Mike Haschak (UCLA Alumni) by inj. default over Marty Martinez (Pleasant Hill WC)

Greg Ookorian (Unattached) dec. Marty Martinez (Pleasant Hill WC), 3-0
Leonard Simon (OGW) dec. Mike Haschak (UCLA Alumni), 9-0

First Round:
Greg Ookorian (Unattached) dec. Paul Vinson (Next Protein WC), 8-0

Haschak by fall over Vinson, 2:46

130 kg
1st - David Eads (Capital City WC)

58 kg
1st - Clifford Ray (Arizona)
2nd - Tommy Reyna (Edmond Freestyle)
3rd - Ray Guerra (Florida Blackhawk)

Reyna by inj. default over Guerra
Ray dec. Reyna, 12-4
Ray by inj. default over Guerra

63 kg
1st - Shirrad Ahmadi (Nieves-Ahmadi) dec. Ronald Engel (Napa WC), 5-0
3rd - Gerald Silva (Cumberland) dec. Jack Hornbuckle (Unattached), 4-0

Shirrad Ahmadi (Nieves-Ahmadi) dec. Jack Hornbuckle (Unattached), 4-0
Ronald Engel (Napa WC) dec. Gerald Silva (Cumberland), 3-0

First Round:
Shirrad Ahmadi (Nieves-Ahmadi) dec. Loren Rabnick (Cleveland WC), 4-3

Silva dec. Rabnick, 9-3

69 kg
1st - John Bennett (Berlin WC) dec. Jim Lucas (San Jose State), 5-3
3rd - Bryan Smith (Rocket Rasslin) by inj. default over Porfirian Mykhailo (Unattached)

John Bennett (Berlin WC) by fall over Porfirian Mykhailo (Unattached), 1:59
Jim Lucas (San Jose State) dec. Bryan Smith (Rocket Rasslin), 5-0

76 kg
1st - Sergio Jimenez (Pantera) dec. Charles Fallon (Scottish America), 8-0

85 kg
1st - John Matthews (Arizona) dec. Rick Lafrerrier (TNT Wrestling), 8-0
3rd - Scott Hessener (Lehigh Valley) by forfeit over Jesse Saenz (Sunkist Kids)

Rick Lafrerrier (TNT Wrestling) by forfeit over Michael Turk (Lake Arrowhead)
John Matthews (Arizona) tech. fall Scott Hessener (Lehigh Valley), 11-0, 1:39

First Round:
Rick Lafrerrier (TNT Wrestling) by fall over Jesse Saenz (Sunkist Kids), 0:56

97 kg
1st - Joseph Podraza (New York AC)
2nd - Steven Wolfe (Popeye WC)
3rd - Ron Cole (Eastside WC)

Podraza dec. Cole, 6-3
Podraza dec. Wolfe, 6-3
Wolfe by inj. default Cole

130 kg
1st - Gerald Ponce (Golden State Wrestling) by fall over Kevin Courtney 
(California) 0:44
3rd - Steve Hyman (Last Man Standing) by forfeit over Bruce Quinn Jr. (Fall Guys)

Gerald Ponce (Golden State Wrestling) dec. Steve Hyman (Last Man Standing), 6-0
Kevin Courtney (California) dec. Bruce Quinn Jr. (Fall Guys), 5-0

69 kg
1st - Charles Hotcaves (Bald Eagles)
2nd - Mansour Hanarvar (Laguna Hills)
3rd - Boris Parkhomovsky (Washington WC)

Hotcaves dec. Hanarvar, 3-1
Hanarvar by fall over Parkhomovsky, 3:56
Hotcaves by forfeit over Parkhomovsky

76 kg
1st - Wayne Eric Boyd (Palm Springs) by fall over Gershon Horowitz (Fall Guys)
3rd - Joe Aiken (Kitsap Ironman) dec. Sunny Boyd (Virginia), 4-2

Gershon Horowitz (Fall Guys) by fall over Joe Aiken (Kitsap Ironman), 3:34
Wayne Eric Boyd (Palm Springs) by inj. default over Joe Seay (Sunkist Kids)

First Round:
Joe Aiken (Kitsap Ironman) by fall over Sunny Boyd (Virginia), 1:53
Joe Seay (Sunkist Kids) dec. James Butcher (Virginia), 3-0

Boyd by inj. default over Seay
Aiken dec. Butcher, 9-4

85 kg
1st - James Tanniehill (J&R Turner WC) dec. Donald Apodaca (Jets), 5-1

97 kg
1st - Bob Anderson (Jets)
2nd - Paul Stull (Ice Breakers)
3rd - Berl Middlebrooks (Atwater WC)

Anderson dec. Stull, 4-0
Anderson by fall over Middlebrooks, 1:30
Stull by fall over Middlebrooks, 1:59

130 kg
1st - Larry Prosper (California)