Cadet National Duals - 07/01/2003

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Championship Match
Pennsylvania Pain Train 38, Michigan 27
84 - Jake Quinton (PA) pin Jeff Thomas (MI), 0:10
91 - Joe McCullough (PA) pin Ibrahim Abdulla (MI), 1:31
98 - Matt Kyler (PA) dec. J.J. Johnson (MI), 7-3
105 - Adam Smetana (PA) dec. Anthony Biondo (MI), 8-0
112 - Steve Mytych (PA) dec. Kyle O’Neil (MI), 7-0
119 - Jonathan Reader (MI) pin Lewis Baker (PA), 0:52
125 - Kellon Balum (PA) dec. Zac Burns (MI), 4-0
130 - Thomas Renner (MI) dec. Tim Mannino (PA), 11-5
135 - Jeff Warusz (PA) dec. Jason Brew (MI), 7-3
140 - Matt Dragon (PA) dec. Braden L’Amoreaux (MI), 10-4
145 - Rob Waltko (PA) dec. Bradley Johnson (MI), 6-3
152 - Nick Hendrick (MI) won by forfeit
160 - Pat Flynn (PA) pin Zach Denkins (MI), 1:15
171 - Kyle Chiddick (MI) pin Keith McDonald (PA), 2:07
189 - Trevor Perry (MI) pin Nick Sipes (PA), 0:21
215 - Nate Sipes (PA) pin Adam McIver (MI), 0:18
275 - Andy Welch (MI) pin James Martin (PA), 1:08

3rd Place Match 
Minnesota Storm 49, New York For-5 18
84 - Travis Cleberg (MN) pin Travis Fuller (NY), 0:30
91 - Tyler Rath (MN) tech fall Garrett Schnettler (NY), 11-0, 2:10
98 - Zach Sanders (MN) won by forfeit
105 - Mike Thorn (MN) dec. Kyel Borshoff (NY), 9-7
112 - Phillip Moenkedick (MN) pin Rob Goldberg (NY), 3:27
119 - Paul Bjorkstrand (MN) won by forfeit
125 - David Albrecht (MN) tech. fall Lucas Marlacher (NY), 10-0, 2;48
130 - Travis Elg (MN) won by forfeit
135 - Steve Sanderson (NY) dec. Tyler Fuast (MN), 4-3
140 - Mike Wubbins (MN) pin Tyrell Riley (NY), 1:59
145 - Jon Brantjean (MN) dec, Brandon Kopacz (NY), 15-6
152 - Tyler Reiss (MN) dec. Shane Uber (NY), 6-5
160 - Ryan Mergen (MN) dec. Devan Bertch (NY), 9-3
171 - Jovan Belcher (NY) tech fall Kenny Moenkedick (MN), 11-0
189 - Matthew Mazgaz (NY) dec. Andy Robinson (MN), 9-0
215 - Steve Larson (MN) won by forfeit
275 - Jimmy Almy (NY) pin Jon May (MN), 3:38

5th Place Match
Kansas 52, Washington 15
84 - Donny Altman (KS) tech fall Steve Choate (WA), 13-0
91 - Kenny Kubec (WA) dec. Nick Shumate (KS), 11-5
98 - Seth Metzler (KS) tech. fall Chase Fish (WA), 10-0
105 - Larry Perez (KS) pin Levi Jones (WA), 3:12
112 - J.D. Goodrich (WA) dec. Jeff Ferguson (KS), 3-2
119 - Chase Moses (KS) dec. Matt Lowney (WA), 5-1
125 - Tyler Baker (KS) pin Patrick O’Neil (WA), 0:21
130 - Jose Cornejo (KS) pin Lester Brown (WA), 1:57
135 - Judd Schroeder (KS) dec. Jared Imes (WA), 3-0
140 - Nicholas Reimer (WA) dec. Mike Miller (KS), 7-6
145 - Chad Schmale (KS) pin Kyle Bounds (WA), 2:31
152 - Ryan Jones (WA) dec. Matt Connelly (KS), 8-2
160 - Chris Kearn (KS) dec. Tyler Cline (WA), 4-1
171 - Sean Pietrzyk (KS) pin Jon Millard (WA), 3:19
189 - Jimmy Stewart (KS) dex. Brad Padgett (WA), 6-4
215 - Jesse Hardy (KS) pin Jeremy Pratt (WA), 0:34
275 - Ryan Sponsel (KS) pin Curtis Baskett (WA), 0:39

7th Place Match
Illinois 40, Pennsylvania Powerhouse 28
84 - Adam Mestermacher (IL) won by forfeit
91 - Tym Quigg (IL) won by forfeit
98 - Steve Wells (PA) dec. Matt McNaughton (IL), 18-11
105 - Danny Malouf (IL) won by inj. dft.
112 - James Kohlberg (IL) won by inj. dft.
119 - Colin Frick (PA) pin Max Hiatt (IL), 0:22
125 - Jon Isaacson (IL) won by inj. dft.
130 - Shane Hyman (PA) won by tech. fall over Jim Aschenbrenner (IL), 12-2
135 - Andy Josunell (PA) won by inj. dft.
140 - Austin Carter (PA) pin Jamie Smith (IL)
145 - AJ Papa (PA) dec. Jake Jobst (IL), 6-3
152 - Brett Ambrosino (IL) dec. Don Lozzi (PA), 8-2
160 - Jon Wentz (PA) won by forfeit
171 - Rick Loers (IL) dec. Matt Panesevich (PA), 3-0
189 - Jeremy Jenning (IL) won by forfeit
215 - Morris Thompson (IL) pin Matt Olzewski (PA)
275 - Mike Schaub (IL) dec. Kyle Weaver (PA), 9-1

Consolation Championships (9th place match)
Oregon 36, Florida 30
84 - Andy McCormick (OR) pin Justin Gibson (FL)
91 - Jacob Mohr (FL) tech. fall Justin Tracy (OR), 11-1
98 - Marty Eng (OR) tech fall Anthony Hess (FL), 10-0
105 - Sean Connelly (OR) dec. David Cox (FL), 6-5
112 - Isaac Ryken (OR) dec. Sean Joyce (FL), 7-6
119 - Alex Brown (FL) dec. Tyler Waatberg (OR), 6-0
125 - Jon Bernhardt (OR) dec. Justin Edge (FL), 9-1
130 - Austin Enoch (OR) tech. fall Dwayne Tolleson (FL), 12-0
135 - Justin Carter (OR) dec. DJ Kane (FL), 4-0
140 - Justin Fraga (FL) dec. Abe Hogle (OR), 8-5
145 - Jesse Robbins (FL) dec. Matthew Frost (OR), 3-0
152 - Aaron Mannenbach (OR) dec. Michael Combs (FL), 8-5
160 - David Craig (FL) dec. Trent Conant (OR), 3-2
171 - Collin Brooks (OR) dec. David Green (FL), 8-5
189 - Billy Lowe (FL) pin Clay Wunder (OR), 0:41
215 - Ryan Rustrum (OR) dec. Brandon Rush (FL), 10-1
275 - Kenny Lester (FL) dec. Darrell Glass (OR), 0:55

Pool Standings - 1. Michigan; 2. New York For-5; 3. Washington; 4. Illinois

Round 3
Michigan 36, Washington 30
New York For-5 39, Illinois 28

Round 2
Washington 37, Illinois 32
Michigan 35, New York-For 5 33

Round 1
New York-For 5 43, Washington 29
Michigan 44, Illinois 24

Pool Standings - 1. Pennsylvania Pain Train; 2. Minnesota Storm; 3. Kansas; 4. Pennsylvania Powerhouse

Round 3
Pennsylvania Pain Train 37, Minnesota Storm 31
Kansas 49, Pennsylvanian Powerhouse 21

Round 2
Minnesota Storm 44, Pennsylvania Powerhouse 25
Pennsylvania Pain Train 48, Kansas 22

Round 1
Minnesota Storm 36, Kansas 30
Pennsylvania Pain Train 64, Pennsylvania Powerhouse 12

Consolation Championships (9th place match)
Oregon 36, Florida 30

Oregon 39, Idaho Fury 30
Florida 37, Colorado Gold 32

Idaho Fury 41, Arizona 29
Oregon 51, Indiana 18
Colorado Gold 37, Ohio 28
Florida 38, Wisconsin 34

Idaho Fury 61, New Mexico 5
Arizona 39, Idaho Thunder 29
Oregon 34, Oklahoma 31
Indiana 34, Nebraska 33
Ohio 52, Colorado Silver 12
Colorado Gold 33, Texas Extreme 30
Wisconsin 48, Iowa20
Florida 49, North Carolina 20


Team Points: Team Washington 12, Pennsylvania Powerhouse 8, Idaho Fury 8, Texas Extreme 6, Indiana 6, Iowa 2, New Jersey 0
Note: 2-way tie for second goes to Pennsylvania Powerhouse, with most points scored in duals
Note2: 2-way tie for fourth goes to Texas Exterme, with most points scored in duals

Round 7
Texas Extreme 50, New Jersey 19
Indiana 36, Iowa 31
Idaho Fury 38, Pennsylvania Powerhouse 31

Round 6
Team Washington 42, Idaho Fury 27
Pennsylvania Powerhouse 34, Indiana 34 (PA Powerhouse wins on criteria, most wins)
Iowa 33, New Jersey 30
Texas Extreme, bye

Round 5
Team Washington 37. Pennsylvania Powerhouse 32
Texas Extreme 43, Iowa 25
Indiana 36, New Jersey 27
Indiana, bye

Round 4
Team Washington 52, Iowa 17
Pennsylvania Powerhouse 48, Texas Extreme 18
Indiana 42, New Jersey 25
Idaho Fury, bye

Round 3
Team Washington 41, Indiana 25
Texas Extreme 38, Idaho Fury 35
Pennsylvania Powerhouse 47, New Jersey 14
Iowa, bye

Round 2
Team Washington 45, New Jersey 24
Indiana 36, Texas Extreme 32
Idaho Fury 52, Iowa 18
Pennsylvania Powerhouse, bye

Round 1
Team Washington 40, Texas Extreme 32
Idaho Fury 39, Indiana 33
Pennsylvania Powerhouse 45, Iowa 20
New Jersey, bye


Team Points: Michigan 10, Kansas 8, Oregon 6, Florida 4, Idaho Thunder 2, Colorado Silver 0

Round 5
Oregon 45, Idaho Thunder 24
Kansas 55, Colorado Silver 15
Michigan 43, Florida 27

Round 4
Florida 50, Idaho Thunder 21
Michigan 64, Colorado Silver 5
Kansas 36, Oregon 35

Round 3
Michigan 54, Idaho Thunder 14
Oregon 64, Colorado Silver 3
Kansas 40, Florida 28

Round 2
Kansas 44, Idaho Thunder 22
Florida 53, Colorado Silver 14
Michigan 37, Oregon 31

Round 1
Idaho Thunder 52, Colorado Silver 15
Michigan 35, Kansas 33
Oregon 35, Florida 34


Team Points: Minnesota Storm 10, Illinois 8, Ohio 6, Arizona 4, North Carolina 2, Oklahoma 0

Round 6
Illinois 40, Oklahoma 31

Round 5
Minnesota Storm 53, Arizona 14
Ohio 35, North Carolina 31

Round 4
Arizona 38, Oklahoma 29
Illinois 49, North Carolina 20
Minnesota Storm 42, Ohio 22

Round 3
Illinois 44, Arizona 26
Minnesota Storm 61, North Carolina 8
Ohio 37, Oklahoma 30

Round 2
Ohio 37, Arizona 23
North Carolina 40, Oklahoma 28
Minnesota Storm 43, Illinois 24

Round 1
Arizona 35, North Carolina 35 (Arizona wins by criteria, most wins)
Illinois 43, Ohio 25
Minnesota Storm 49, Oklahoma 17


Team points: Pennsylvania Pain Train 10, New York-For 5 8, Wisconsin 6, Nebraska 4, Colorado Gold 2, New Mexico 0

Round 6
Colorado Gold 51, New Mexico 10
New York-For 5 37, Wisconsin 30
Pennsylvania Pain Train 51, Nebraska 20

Round 5
no matches

Round 4
Nebraska 35, Colorado Gold 34
Pennsylvania Pain Train 58, Wisconsin 15
New York-For 5 65, New Mexico 5

Round 3
Pennsylvania Pain Train 60, Colorado Gold 14
Wisconsin 65, New Mexico 5
New York-For 5 46, Nebraska 22

Round 2
New York-For 5 47, Colorado Gold 19
Wisconsin 43, Nebraska 25
Pennsylvania Pain Train 62, New Mexico 7

Round 1
Wisconsin 42, Colorado Gold 26
Pennsylvania Pain Train 47, New York-For 5 20
Nebraska 60, New Mexico 9