Veterans Folkstyle National Championships - 04/01/2005

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DIVISION A (Born 1968-75)
168 lbs.
Gold - Michael Kelly (Illinois)
Silver - Rudolph James (Minnesota)
Bronze - Shawn Ray (Arizona)
4th - Eric Lopshire (Indiana)
5th - Quintin Treadway (Iowa)

Kelly by fall over Lopshire, 3:46
James by tech. fall over Ray, 16-5
Kelly by fall over Treadway, 2:42
James dec. Lopshire, 10-3
Kelly dec. James, 5-2
Ray by fall over Treadway, 0:33
Kelly dec. Ray, 13-5

188 lbs.
Gold - Rodney Bolden (Indiana)
Silver - Roy Reyes (Florida)
Bronze - Randy Myers (Missouri)
4th - Mark Prosperbey (Kansas)
5th - Joe Jasper (Kansas)
5th - David Finley (Illinois)

Prosperbey dec. Myers, 8-3
Reyes by fall over Jasper, 2:19
Bolden by fall over Finley, 0:43
Reyes by fall over Prosperbey, 0:47
Myers by fall over Finley, 3:32
Bolden by fall over Jasper, 0:59
Bolden by fall over Prosperbey, 0:47
Reyes dec. Myers, 2-1
Bolden dec. Reyes, 9-2

214 lbs.
Gold - Jeff Donovan (Missouri)
Silver - Jeremy Lopshire (Illinois)
Bronze - Steve Chyma (Iowa)
4th - Dean Murphy (Minnesota)

Donovan dec. Murphy, 3-0
Lopshire by tech. fall over Chyma, 11-1
Donovan dec. Lopshire, 5-4
Chyma dec. Murphy, 4-2
Donovan by fall over Chyma, 3:00

287 lbs.
Gold - Brian Schmitt (Missouri)
Silver - Michael Gorrath (Wisconsin)
Bronze - Tim Simmons (Wisconsin)

Gorrath by fall over Simmons, 2:10
Schmitt by fall over Gorrath, 3:12
Schmitt by fall over Simmons, 2:23

DIVISION B (Born 1960-67)
128 lbs.
Gold - Carlos Bertot (Louisiana) dec. Clinton Brooks (Missouri), 4-3

139 lbs.
Gold - Robert Porter (Illinois)
Silver - Jamey Kasser (Ohio)
Bronze - Bobby Crawford (Missouri)
4th - Dave Bellissimo (Maryland)

Kasser dec. Crawford, 4-1
Porter by tech. fall over Bellissimo, 16-1
Porter dec. Kasser, 6-4
Crawford by fall over Bellissimo, 2:21
Porter dec. Crawford, 5-3

152 lbs.
Gold - Mike Jozwowski (Wisconsin)
Silver - Peter Alber (Illinois)
Bronze - Michael Madry (Florida)

Alber dec. Madry, 6-1
Jozwowski dec. Alber, 4-2
Jozwowski dec. Madry, 7-0

168 lbs.
Gold - Rick Robison (Minnesota) dec. Patrick Ratkovich (Michigan), 5-1
Robison by fall ov er Ratkovich, 3:46

188 lbs.
Gold - Anthony Porcelli (Iowa)
Silver - Loren Keppy (Iowa)
Bronze - Curtis Nelson (California)
4th - Joe Ward (Ohio)

Porcelli by fall over Ward, 2:45
Keppy dec. Nelson, 2-0
Porcelli by fall over Nelson, 0:44
Keppy by fall over Ward, 0:47
Nelson dec. Ward, 5-1
Porcelli dec. Keppy, 5-3

214 lbs.
Gold - John Richter (North Dakota)
Silver - Jeff Anderson (Michigan)
Bronze - Robert Lindsay (Arizona)
4th - Scott Roffers (Wisconsin)

Lindsay dec. Roffers, 4-2
Richter dec. Anderson, 7-0
Richter by fall over Lindsay, 1:34
Anderson by tech. fall over Roffers, 10-0
Anderson by inj. default over Lindsay

287 lbs.
Gold - Keith Warhime (Pennsylvania)

DIVISION C (Born 1952-59)
128 lbs.
Gold - Mark LaVasseur (Minnesota) dec. Steve Hart (Colorado), 11-5
LaVasseur dec. Hart, 5-1

139 lbs.
Gold - Jon Silver (California)

152 lbs.
Gold - Warren Howard (Wisconsin)

168 lbs.
Gold - Bruce Moe (North Dakota)
Silver - Mark Morgan (Mississippi)
Bronze - Joe Terronez (Illinois)
4th - Stuart Kahn (Georgia)
5th - Jim Davis (Georgia)

Morgan by fall over Davis, 0:13
Terronez dec. Kahn, 5-0
Moe by fall over Davis, 2:16
Morgan dec. Terronez, 4-0
Morgan dec. Kahn, 8-0
Moe dec. Terronez, 7-1
Moe dec. Morgan, 6-1

188 lbs.
Gold - Jim Langstraat (Iowa)

214 lbs.
Gold - Dave Wadsworth (West Virginia) dec. Bruce Hulme (Ohio), 1-0
Wadsworth dec. Hulme, 5-0

287 lbs.
Gold - Dave Ullom (Iowa) by fall over Gary Bergmann (Iowa), 1:45
Ullom by fall over Bergmann, 2:09

DIVISION D (Born 1951 and before)
152 lbs.
Gold - Mike Zorick (California)

168 lbs.
Gold - Pat Ancil (Florida)

188 lbs.
Gold - David Hartman (Alabama)

214 lbs.
Gold - Steve Sanders (California)