College Sports Council issues call to action to Save Binghamton Wrestling!
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Eric Pearson (College Sports Council)
Save Binghamton Wrestling - Round 2 CALL TO ACTION for the College Sports Community FROM: The College Sports Council Please act now to help save the Binghamton University wrestling team. Binghamton adminstrators announced last fall that they needed to eliminate their wrestling team due to budget cutbacks. Alumni immediately offered to help offset team expenses with generous donations totaling over $100,000 yet the University refused their offer. Your efforts can make a difference. Please write a brief letter to New York State Senator Lavalle to request a hearing of the NY Higher Education committee. Suggested talking points: 1. Dropping the wresting team is a shortsighted solution that leads to long-term damage with Binghamton community and alumni relations. 2. You understand that many state governments have faced budget shortfalls, but you don't understand why the university won't accept help from alumni to save the wrestling team. 3. Wrestling is a very popular sport in New York state high schools. 4. University leaders should not punish the students because they don't want to admit their mistakes. 5. The Senate committee on higher education needs to hold open hearings to look into this unfortunate matter. General points: Be polite in your request. Thank them for considering your letter. Address your letter to: Senator Lavalle, Chairman of the Committee on Higher Education email: Please CC the following e-mail addresses:,,,,,