USA Wrestling’s Members-only website is redesigned and expanded to better serve membership

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Gary Abbott (USA Wrestling)

USA Wrestling has done a complete redesign and expansion of its Members-Only website, providing all USA Wrestling members with an impressive new resource stocked with interactive learning tools and entertaining features. The relaunch of the website occurred on Friday, January 9, 2004, to kick off the Olympic year.    This on-line resource is available free of charge only to current members of USA Wrestling, one of the most exciting benefits of joining the organization.    The website has a brand new look, with a different design and navigation. The home page is full of many exciting graphics, including an interactive video with music that is an introduction to the website.    The features of the new Members-only website include:    Technique of the Month - Each month, new wrestling technique and tactics will be discussed in depth, with video clips included.    Bout of the Week - This popular feature will be changed on a regular basis, allowing members to enjoy many of the greatest matches in wrestling history. The first bout after the redesign is posted is the Cael Sanderson vs. Sajid Sajidov gold-medal match at 85 kg from the 2003 World Championships of Freestyle Wrestling. Each Bout of the Week will be placed in an archive, allowing members access to numerous other outstanding bouts.     Chat Rooms - USA Wrestling members can get together at any time to chat with each other on all aspects of the sport of wrestling    Interactive rulebook - The most current USA Wrestling international rulebook is posted, and is completely indexed, allowing members to any section of the rules with the click of the cursor. For all of the key situations in the rulebook, the user can click on the rule and will receive a video clip example of the rule in competition that is downloaded for use.    Downloadable wallpaper - There are currently three different wrestling designs available for members to download and use as their computer*s wallpaper, with more options available in the future    The Palestra - One of the most powerful features of the Members-only site, the Palestra contains over 1,000 video clips in a database. Users may select the skill they wish to learn and see a video clip of the technique being used in an international wrestling match. Currently the Freestyle Palestra is operational, and many new video clips will be added soon, bringing the total of clips up to 3,000 in the coming weeks.    "USA Wrestling members will find the new website to be educational and entertaining," said Dr. Dave Bennett, USA Wrestling's Director of Broadcasting. "It provides an opportunity to understand the sport at a higher level, learn thousands of techniques and improve your tactical knowledge of wrestling."     USA Wrestling members will only need to enter the number from their 2003-04 membership card into an entry form, and the exciting new Members-Only page will become available to them.