U.S. Olympic Committee announces online Olympic Coach E-Magazine

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U.S. Olympic Committee ()

The U.S. Olympic Committee Coaching and Sport Sciences division is pleased to announce that our quarterly magazine, OLYMPIC COACH, is now available electronically and will be known as OLYMPIC COACH E-MAGAZINE.    This quarterly publication designed for coaches at all levels can now come to you via E-mail.  The quarterly E-mail will provide a summary of each article in the magazine with a link that takes you directly to the full-length article. The E-magazine will contain the same content as the print version of the magazine  articles about improving athlete performance in a variety of fields, such as psychology, nutrition, sports medicine, strength and conditioning, as well as other topics of interest to coaches.      The best news is that OLYMPIC COACH E-MAGAZINE is available to all coaches and other interested individuals free of charge.  To receive your complimentary subscription, go to the web site at  http://coaching.usolympicteam.com/coaching/ksub.nsf, and signup.  The subscription information that you provide will not be shared or sold to any other organization or corporation.  Individuals may signup at anytime, but those wishing to receive the Winter 2002 issue must subscribe no later than April 30, 2002.  Please share this opportunity with other individuals in the coaching community.     USOC Coaching and Sport Sciences looks forward to receiving your subscription and providing you with a practical and quality electronic publication.