University of Reno leads NCWA Wrestling Championships

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Mark Scott (USA Wrestling)

The Fifth Annual NCWA Wrestling Championships are underway at Lafayette College  in Easton, PA.  In the early round Univeristy of Reno has taken the lead with 30  points.  They are followed in order by San Diego State (17pts) and Univeristy of  Delaware (15.5pts).  There are 49 teams competiting in these championships with  over 250 competitors in eleven weight classes.    The Championships are being carried over the internet with webcam and live video  streaming and real time results.  There is also a chat option that allows fans  to chat on line while watching their favorite teams.  "The technology being used  at these championships is state of the art." said Mark Scott, USAW Director of  State Services.  "The applications being implimented by the NCWA should be  seriously looked at for all wrestling events.  It brings the action right to the  homes of many fans and parents", Mark said.    The Championship Quaterfinals will begin at 7:00PM.    More updates to come....