NWCA Announcement

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Pat Tocci (NWCA)

 The National Wrestling Coaches Association would like to send their deepest condolences to the victims and families of the terrorist attacks that took place on Tuesday, September 11.  Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are in need of faith and strength during these times.       There are many members of the wrestling family that have been touched by the tragic events that have taken place.  The NWCA would like to establish a list of those members of the wrestling community that have been directly or indirectly affected by this crisis.  If you could forward the names of any wrestling people and/or their family members that have been injured, missing or perished to ptocci@nwca.cc, we would be greatly appreciative.  This list will be posted on our website at www.nwcaonline.com.       Mike Moyer   Roger Reina  Pat Tocci  Executive Director  President   Assistant Director  NWCA           NWCA          NWCA