NCEP Clinics in your own Backyard
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Ted Witulski (USAW NCEP Manager)
The National Coaches Education Program wants to reach every region of the country. To be successful at expanding the number of dedicated and active wrestling coaches involved nationally, USA Wrestling wants to bring a NCEP Copper or Bronze course to your area. Bringing an NCEP course to a nearby location will be a valuable service to dedicated and prospective USA Wrestling coaches in your area. NCEP offers two courses for individuals to choose from. The Copper level should be aimed at volunteer coaches, parents, and entry-level coaches. Any club leader, coach or administrator can organize and teach the Copper level course to participants. Application to host a Copper Clinic can be made by contacting the NCEP manager at USA Wrestling at (719) 598-8181. The cost and time commitment to receive Copper level certification is very minimal. Total cost for the course is $25 and includes the Copper level Coach's Guide. The class only takes 4 ½ hours of attendance time and is completed by passing a 25 question multiple choice test at the 80% or higher level. Participants at the Copper level are not required to be members of USA Wrestling. However, once the course is successfully completed, we are sure the participants will want to be members of USA Wrestling, the National Governing Body of Amateur wrestling in the United States! The audience for the Bronze level class is usually more advanced in their wrestling knowledge than the Copper level participants. Completion of the Copper level is not required to receive certification at the Bronze level. Club, volunteer, high school, collegiate and professional coaches will find valuable information to help them improve their abilities as a wrestling coach. Instructors for the Bronze level must be Bronze level certified and have been approved by USA Wrestling. If there is sufficient interest in your area for a Copper or Bronze level course, USA Wrestling will help get a qualified instructor to your clinic site! The information disseminated in the Bronze course covers a variety of wrestling related topics in detail including: coaching philosophy, risk management, program development, psychology of coaching, wrestling skills, training and nutrition, and sports medicine. The course will take 6 hours of in-class instruction and the completion of a 50-question home-study test. The cost of the course at the Bronze level is $50 and includes the Coach's Guide to Excellence, and the Bronze certified coach's shirt, and the certificate and NCEPcard as awards for becoming Bronze certified. Drawing together a group of interested Coach's for a Copper or Bronze level course is a valuable learning tool, which fosters networking and innovation in the sport of wrestling. There is no one path to success, so by bringing together enthusiastic supporters of the sport of wrestling, individuals will learn from the curriculum developed by USAW as well as the participants involved. Becoming a certified coach through USA Wrestling's National Coaches Education Program is an important step in promoting wrestling in your own backyard. The National Coaches Education Program wants to help promote the development of coaches and wrestlers in your area. Contact USA Wrestling's NCEP manager and learn more information about organizing a Copper or Bronze clinic in your locale. For more information call (719) 598-8181 or e-mail To learn more about the process read: Organizing a Copper Coaches Clinic Organizing a Bronze Coaches Clinic