MEGA TREK: A Journey Down the Appalachian Trail to Keep the Dream Alive

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Richard Immel (USA Wrestling)

Wrestling enthusiast Jeffrey Fleming has made it his mission to hike over 2180 miles and across 14 states for one cause, to save Olympic wrestling.

The historic Appalachian Trail hike begins at Mount Katahdin in Maine, winding its way down to Springer Mountain in Georgia. This trail is describe by those in the hiking community as a “super trail” and is one of three hikes included in the “triple crown” of American hiking.

Fleming hopes to set an example of perseverance for his four sons, all of whom wrestle, and the world as he ventures out on a journey of self-discovery while also promoting the sport of wrestling. 

“I think it is important to take on challenges in life that are intimidating and not something you can guarantee to complete, and not be afraid to set goals that are high,” Fleming said. “You have to be brave enough to set high goals and brave enough to make those goals a reality.”

Fleming plans to backpack the entirety of the Appalachian Trail over a two-month span beginning the week of August 13, 2013 with a finish date expected in mid to late October. He will do so wearing two Save Olympic Wrestling flags and a wrestling singlet as he did during this year’s Boston Marathon. 

The journey of Jeffrey Fleming will be documented in its entirety through various techniques including both written and video blogs, photos, action video and also a Go Pro camera capturing the entire hike. This content will be available in the special section titled “MEGA TREK” on  

Fleming will be stopping in various locations to take pictures and visit with any wrestling supporters who would like to be involved with his quest. To contact Jeffrey Fleming either message the Drive Train Athletics Facebook Page or send an email to
Please utilize the tentative schedule below to keep up with Fleming’s whereabouts as he treks across the country. 

Prospective Itinerary
Maine: August 15-23
New Hampshire: August 24-29
Vermont: August 30-September 4
Massachusetts: September 5-8
Connecticut: September 9-11
New York: September 12-15
New Jersey: September 16-18
Pennsylvania: September 19-26
Maryland: September 27
The Virginia’s: September 28-October 14
Tennessee: October 15-17
North Carolina: October 18-21
Georgia: October 22-25