Lehigh Athletics statement on Mike Grey

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Steve Lomangio (Lehigh Athletics)

BETHLEHEM, Pa. - Lehigh University has received word from incoming prospective wrestling student-athlete Mike Grey that he will not be honoring the commitment he made to attend Lehigh and instead will enroll in a community college near Ithaca, New York. Grey shared that it is his intention to eventually enroll at Cornell University. This news was received on Tuesday evening, August 15 by Lehigh head coach Greg Strobel, in a telephone call from Mike Grey. 

In November 2005, Grey and both his parents signed a letter of understanding and commitment prepared by Lehigh regarding his offer of admission and his financial aid award. His intentions to enroll at Lehigh in the fall of 2006 were affirmed throughout the 2005-2006 academic year, during the summer months, and as recently as early August 2006, in telephone conversations with members of the Lehigh Wrestling staff. 

Institutions that do not participate in the national letter of intent program are not precluded by NCAA rules from continuing to recruit prospective student-athletes that have made commitments to another institution. Lehigh has no specific knowledge of, interest in, or comment on the recruitment tactics used by other institutions. As a matter of operating policy, Lehigh does not bind students to decisions that those students subsequently determine to be contrary to their best interests, and does not continue to recruit or communicate with students that have made formal commitments to other schools. Lehigh does, however, share with relevant institutions, cases involving students that change their minds about attending Lehigh after initially accepting an early decision offer of admission and a financial aid award. 

Grey has been released by Lehigh from his intended commitment and the University and wrestling program wish him academic, athletic and personal fulfillment.